Virtualization Using Docker Containers: For Reproducible Environments and Containerized Applications


Software Development practices which evolved in recent years have fundamentally changed the development and management of applications in environment. This evolution includes the Microservices architecture where the applications with large monolithic code has transformed into collections of many small services which are loosely coupled together. The evolution of microservices has changed the requirements of underlying infrastructure, technologies, and tools which were once used to manage the applications. These services improved the agility of delivering software which are portable across all the platforms and infrastructures. Previously large workloads have been processed in large servers which are provisioned by Virtual Machines. But in today’s application development environment these large applications have been divided into small applications which collectively run across a collection of commodity hardware. Containers have become handful in running these applications on the same OS as they share the same kernel and hardware. In this paper, I will be discussing about new container technology which is Docker and I will be presenting you how this technology has overcome the previous issues which includes building and deploying large applications. This paper also discusses about the security features of Docker which provides an additional layer of isolation and security for application services

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