The Influence of Advanced Preparation Program Transition Experiences on Students of Color


Abstract This study looks at the impacts of the Advanced Preparation Program (APP) experiences on students of color at St. Cloud State University. Both Astin’s (1993) Input-Environment-Output (I-E-O) model and Schlossberg’s Theory (1981) were utilized to determine and understand what impact various environmental experiences had on student outcomes. Through the application of qualitative research methodologies, interviews were conducted to find recurring themes within the shared experiences. Six emerging themes were utilized to share the experiences of each student, pointing specifically to environmental experiences which impacted their ability to sustain academically. The themes reflected the importance of engagement during the transition process in order to gain a lasting and valuable impression from their experience. The findings from this study indicated that the majority of the participants were positively impacted by their experience in APP, which allowed them to experience continued academic success through their sophomore year. Astin’s (1993) I-E-O model highlights the connection between each area and points to the importance of the connections made in order to reach the final outcome

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