An Analysis and Demonstration of eLearning Multimedia Best Practices


As contemporary education moves more and more online, multimedia has become an important aspect of the delivery of educational resources whether augmenting in-person, blended or distance courses. The multimedia eLearning module plays a targeted role within the broad spectrum of multimedia. This portfolio demonstrates best practices for eLearning module design and development. Intended as a resource for designers and developers, in particular those practicing in higher education, the portfolio reviews best practices from a theoretical and practical basis. Through eLearning Design Theory, which combines best practices with pedagogical support, the portfolio reviews four eLearning modules as well as an instructional design document. Emphasized is the use of the Principles of Multimedia Learning as the guiding foundation for the design and development of modules. The objective of this portfolio is to provide examples of multimedia modules that have been effectively implemented, review the design process necessary to create those modules and in so doing, provide a meaningful resource for educators who are incorporating multimedia eLearning modules into their course materials

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