A Critical Comparison of NOSQL Databases in the Context of Acid and Base


This starred paper will discuss two major types of databases – Relational and NOSQL – and analyze the different models used by these databases. In particular, it will focus on the choice of the ACID or BASE model to be more appropriate for the NOSQL databases. NOSQL databases use the BASE model because they do not usually comply with ACID model, something used by relational databases. However, some NOSQL databases adopt additional approaches and techniques to make the database comply with ACID model. In this light, this paper will explore some of these approaches and explain why NOSQL databases cannot simply follow the ACID model. What are the reasons behind the extensive use of the BASE model? What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of not using ACID? Particular attention will be paid to analyze if one model is better or superior to the other. These questions will be answered by reviewing existing research conducted on some of the NOSQL databases such as Cassandra, DynamoDB, MongoDB and Neo4j

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