James Barron Hope : Virginia\u27s Poet-Laureate


Previous to the Civil War comparatively little literary work had been done in the south. Of course if we take into consideration all kinds of composition, such as narratives of adventure, diaries, histories, speeches, sermons and the like, we are forced to admit that the total amount was very large. But when we speak of literature in the higher and more restricted sense, we mean that which stimulates the imagination, awakens thought and aims to please as well as to instruct. And, using the word in this narrow and more restricted sense, it is quite evident that there had been quite a scarcity of literature in the south. In the realm of southern poetry, unquestionably the three greatest names since 1865 are Sidney Lanier of Georgia, Paul Hamilton Hayne of South Carolina, and James Barron Hope of Virginia. The last-named of this illustrious trio is selected as the subject of this paper

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