A Cultural Resource Survey of the Lower Greens Bayou Detention Embankment Project, Harris County, Texas


In May of 2017, Moore Archeological Consulting, Inc. conducted an intensive pedestrian survey for the proposed improvements to the earthen embankment and control structure on the Lower Greens Bayou Regional Detention Facility in northeast Harris County, Texas. The project is located south of North Houston Parkway, extending south to 0.81 kilometers (km) (0.5 miles [mi.]) north of Tidwell Road, just west of Jon Ralston Road. It can be found on the Jacinto City (299515) and Harmaston quadrangles (299507) [see attached figures]. The proposed project involves improvements to an existing access road that traverses along the crest of the embankment, installation of additional riprap for bank stabilization on the upstream end of the spillway, improvements at three existing culvert sites, and mechanical vegetation clearing along the toe of the existing dam. The Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD) owns the right-of-way (ROW) of the proposed project area, which measures 6.43 km (4.0 mi.) in length and 60.96 meters (m) (200 feet [ft.]) in width. The project area in which construction will take place is comprised of the entire length of the embankment as well as an area that will be cleared to both sides of the structure starting at the toe of the existing embankment. This cleared area will be either 4.5 m (15 ft.) or 15.25 m (50 ft.) from the toe depending on locale with the wider area being limited to the spillway structure and immediately adjacent. The area examined as a result of the archeological investigation was roughly 15 acres. The depth of impact is anticipated to only affect the surface area surrounding the rim of the embankment; it is possible that construction disturbance may be 20-50 centimeters below surface (cmbs.). This depth could be culturally significant in certain locales such as existing pimple mounds that may be within the proposed project corridor. The objectives of the archeological investigation were to locate and identify cultural materials, sites, or historic properties within the proposed impact area, and to prepare management recommendations regarding any identified resources. The investigations (MAC PN 17-13 and 17-25) were conducted for Halff and Associates, Inc. and HCFCD (Project ID P500-01-00-E001) under Texas Antiquities Permit Number 8021. The intensive pedestrian field survey included both surface and subsurface (shovel test) examination (Figures 6 and 7; see Appendix 1 for details). A total of 175 shovel tests were excavated. Two temporary sites (TS1 and TS2) were initially recorded, but after additional shovel testing were determined to be a isolated object (TS1) and a modern household waste site most likely associated with local dumping (TS2). All artifacts from both sites were recorded in the field and reburied or replaced on the surface as per the approved collection policy. The field investigations were conducted by project archeologist Rachel Goings and field technicians Tom Nuckols, Michael Hogan, Alejandro Castillo, Nathan Palmer, and Paul Cochran. Douglas Mangum served as the projects’ principal investigator

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