Communicating Mobility and Technology: A Material Rhetoric for Persuasive Transportation (Book Review)


Humans are so enmeshed in mobility systems that they identify with themselves through those systems. In Communicating Mobility and Technology: A Material Rhetoric for Persuasive Transportation, Ehren Pflugfelder (2017) uses the term automobility to describe both the specific kinds of mobility afforded by independent, automobile-related movement technologies and the complex cultural, bodily, technological, and ecological ramifications of our dependence on separate mobility technologies (p. 4). Given identities enmeshed in ecologies of systems involving human and nonhuman actors through which transportation emerges, automobility is described as a wicked problem to be solved, in part, by technical communicators and communication designers naming and revealing the persuasive power of transportation systems. Understanding this persuasive power benefits practitioners by revealing the shared agency of automobility among the car-driver assemblage, and academics, by offering a framework for recognizing transportation as persuasive and therefore rhetorical

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