Dean William Taylor Muse- An Appreciation


William Taylor Muse was a dedicated man-dedicated to his family, his church, and his University. From the day in 1924 when he enrolled in the University of Richmond until his untimely death on October 31, 1971, except for two brief periods, he devoted his life and his loyalty to the University as a student, professor, and dean. Although his primary interest was the Law School, he was -ever concerned about the general welfare of the total University and was always more than willing to serve it in any capacity. For years he was a member of the important Board of Publications and also was a long-time and faithful member of the Athletic Council, serving as faculty chair- man of athletics for several years. On the Administrative Council of Deans he spoke with an influential voice in analyzing problems and determining policies affecting the entire University. Whenever dear reasoning and sound judgment were particularly needed on a special committee, Dean Muse was asked to serve. He never refused. He was dedicated to the University

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