New Combinations: Changing Technologies and Infrastructures and the Business Organizations That Will Deal with Them.


This tale is somewhat unique. It is probably one of the few panels, or the only panel in which there is a certain level of agreement. In fact, every one in this room probably has the basic agreement with this panel, that changes in regulation and changes in policy that we are struggling with are driven by changes in technology. This panel has been put together to look at changes in technology. It has three overall goals. The first is, as you heard one of the panels this morning talk about, to talk about technology itself to try to gain some type of understanding. As regulators or practitioners of law in the area, it is hard to be effective without some type of understanding of just what the technology is that we are supposed to be regulating or trying to give people advice concerning. The second area that this panel will hopefully inform us on is how technology continues to change. Many times we look back and see how technological changes have occurred, and how they have forced us to change. However, there is little consideration for the fact that these technologies continue to change and there will be other challenges or maybe even solutions to current problems that will result from that change in technology. And the final area we hope to provide information on is, as technology changes and as it causes regulators to address new issues, how the utilities, are themselves very different, and have been changed and shaped by this changing technology. This group, I think, can demonstrate very well how the conversion of the different technologies have shaped most of the companies and people who are on the panel

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