A Study of Sustainability Adoption Trends in the Transportation Market


Due to an increasing concern for sustainability, automobile manufacturers have been introducing hybrid variants of popular vehicles in an attempt to reduce the environmental impact of vehicles. However, it is still unclear how this ‘hybridization’ of popular car models affects the overall success of the vehicle. This paper seeks to address these gaps in knowledge by implementing a demand modeling approach, game theory framework, and a technology forecasting model. In the demand model, it was found that the percent of hybrid cars sold, the year and the model of the car are significant predictors of the total sales. In the game theory model, all possible scenarios suggest that an increase in hybrid sales would encourage market share growth. Lastly, using the technology forecasting model, S-curves were generated to show how the energy impact score (EIS) of automobile engines decreases over time as technology improves, and provide justification for the investment in hybrid engine development

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