A Feasibility Study Using TomoDirect for Craniospinal Irradiation


The feasibility of delivering craniospinal irradiation (CSI) with TomoDirect is investigated. A method is proposed to generate TomoDirect plans using standard three-dimensional (3D) beam arrangements on Tomotherapy with junctioning of these fields to minimize hot or cold spots at the cranial/spinal junction. These plans are evaluated and compared to a helical Tomotherapy and a three-dimensional conformal therapy (3D CRT) plan delivered on a conventional linear accelerator (linac) for CSI. The comparison shows that a TomoDirect plan with an overlap between the cranial and spinal fields might be preferable over Tomotherapy plans because of decreased low dose to large volumes of normal tissues outside of the planning target volume (PTV). Although the TomoDirect plans were not dosimetrically superior to a 3D CRT linac plan, the patient can be easily treated in the supine position, which is often more comfortable and efficient from an anesthesia standpoint. TomoDirect plans also have only one setup position which obviates the need for matching of fields and feathering of junctions, two issues encountered with conventional 3D CRT plans. TomoDirect plans can be delivered with comparable treatment times to conventional 3D plans and in shorter times than a Tomotherapy plan. In this paper, a method is proposed for creating TomoDirect craniospinal plans, and the dosimetric consequences for choosing different planning parameters are discussed

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