Rhizomatic Encounters and Encountering Possibilities


Many thanks to Joni Palmer, the panellists, and the participants in the Author Meets Critics session at the Association of American Geographers meeting (April 2008) where the conversation that we continue here began. We appreciate the gracious criticisms and are delighted with the authors‟ enthusiasm. Criticisms offered with such care nurture the larger intellectual project from which the book comes (see Schuurman and Pratt; Aufhauser ). We feel fortunate to be able to address some of the issues identified that we believe need more attention. We thank the editors of Thirdspace for the opportunity. It may seem curious for editors to respond to critiques of an edited collection. But this collection is different, as are the critiques. Edited volumes are usually compilations of works that address a specific topic and reviewers tend to focus on the connections among the chapters. We take up the critiques as laid out here in Thirdspace that cultivate engagement with the book overall rather than with individual contributions. Most of the authors whose pieces are included in the book did not participate in defining it, and their contributions stand independent of our overarching argument. Although their inclusion supports our argument, the pieces stand on their own as individual contributions to both geographical knowledges in feminisms and feminist knowledges in geography

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