An experimental study of three programed methods


All programed training makes use of successively presented units of information, usually accompanied by a test question and usually providing the subject with. immediate knowledge of whether his answer is right or wrong. The purpose of a program whose assimilated data is in questions and answers is to shape a series of responses into a complex act. Within this common framework there is--for psychologists, at any rate--a difference between two schools of thought which dominates the field and is reflected in the tasks and types of programs given to the trainee. The question now becomes one in determining the best way to intergrate programed instruction with the regular training programs . In order to help substantiate or refute the past experiments in this area, it is the purpose of this experiment to test three programed methods: 1. Use program with machine; write out answer; read correct answer. 2. Use program with machine; read correct answer. 3. Read programed material-- retype in magazine form. It is predicted that there is no significant difference in the training effectiveness of the three methods of programed instructional material

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