Public Awareness of the Nebraska Regional Poison Control Center


A Poison Control Center needs to continually update its impact on the community it serves. At the Nebraska Regional Poison Control Center, a telephone survey was performed to ascertain baseline data for ongoing poison awareness programs. Our data shows that 36.6% of the population would call the PCC in the case of acute poisoning. There is a need to stress that the PCC is not only a center for information but also for treatment at home. Distribution of the PCC phone number to be attached to the phone needs to be increased. Many people obtained the phone number through time consuming methods which would increase the anxiety of the caller. Despite past programs, 63.9% of the respondents were not familiar with Syrup of Ipecac, and overall out of 608, people, 91.1% did not have Syrup of Ipecac at home in case of poisoning. In distributing poison information to the public, the pre-school and other school programs seem to be very effective. Newspapers and television also are an integral part in distributing poison information. With the help of the networks and newspapers in devoting time and space to poison prevention more households can be reached. There is a need to involve the pharmacist in distribution of poison information. Being the major supplier of Syrup of Ipecac, pharmacists can take a more active role by always carrying Syrup of Ipecac, and displaying it so that patrons may be reminded that they should have it at home

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