In the Service of Citizenship: A Study of Student Involvement in Community Service


I learn more through my volunteer work than I ever do in any of my classes at school. Talking to people from diverse backgrounds provides so much insight that people just can\u27t imagine. I study all these different theories in political science and sociology, but until you get a chance to see how the social world influences people\u27s everyday lives, it just doesn\u27t have that much meaning. I have been involved in volunteer work ever since I was in high school, and I\u27ll probably continue to do stuff like Habitat [for Humanity] until I\u27m old and gray. I get a lot out of working to serve others, and it\u27s a good feeling to know that I have helped someone even if it\u27s in some small way. It helps me to cherish people more and understand what life is all about

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