\u3ci\u3eInteractive Learning: The Casewriting Method as an Entire Semester Course for Higher Education\u3c/i\u3e


UNOAI Report 94-1 This guide explains for reasons for employing the case method as a tool in the academic discipline of aviation. It promotes the use of case writing as a unique opportunity to derive even further benefits from case analysis. The benefits to students of using case writing as a learning strategy include a focus on the strategy of a real situation; development of an ownership interest; and development of reasoning, decision making, judgement, group dynamic, formal written and oral communication ability, and organizational skills. Issues related to computerization, research, and internalization are also addressed. Among the topics covered are case writing guidelines, case components, time line for case writing presentations, case evaluations, peer evaluations, group self-evaluations, examples of case writing, and a breakdown of those sample cases.https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/facultybooks/1167/thumbnail.jp

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