Teacher-Training Across Cultures: A Workshop Given in the People\u27s Republic of China


This paper deals with a specific teacher training workshop which was given in an English for Special Purposes (ESP) Program to Chinese ESL teachers for a period of six weeks in the People\u27s Republic of China. Both the Chinese teachers and foreign teachers worked together in language teams and provided English training to Chinese professionals who were going to go on training programs in English speaking countries. Although well-versed in ESL theory and teaching styles, the teachers lacked the ability to connect their passive knowledge of teach­ing with the reality of teaching in the classroom. This workshop aimed to have teachers gain an in­ depth look at their own teaching, what they wanted to accomplish, and how they might attempt to do it. The first part of the paper will primarily present the background, rationale, and objectives of the work­ shop. The second part will give an actual account of the workshop along with reactions to each particular day of the workshop. Finally, a summary of the work­ shop experience in addition to applications to other teacher-training situations will be presented

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