Middle School Principals’ Perception of the Effect of Technology on Job Effectiveness


The use of computers and computer-based applications is prevalent in schools, from the classroom to the principal’s office. This study of middle school principals in Virginia and West Virginia addressed the following eight questions: (a) What computer technology applications are available to middle school principals? (b) What are the perceived levels of abilities of the middle school principal in regard to computer and keyboarding skills? (c) To what extent do differences exist in the skill levels of principals in demographic groupings? (d) To what extent are applications and programs used by middle school principals? (e) Is there a difference in usage among principals of different demographic groups? (f) Which administrative tasks are the most likely to be related to computer technology? (g) How do principals perceive computer technology affects their ability to perform specific job responsibilities? and (h) To what extent do differences in perception of how job effectiveness is affected by technology exist among middle school principals of different demographic variables? The study determined that principals overwhelmingly found the use of computer technology made them more effective administrators and the perceptions are consistent through a variety of demographic areas including age, gender, education, and years of experience. This study found Internet usage, e-mail communications and word processing applications to be computer applications most used by administrators. The study found that principals most often used the computer for writing, gathering data, and planning work schedules; the administrative responsibilities most related to technology were discipline, staff communications, and attendance. The study also found that principals have access to computer technology at school and at home, but only 46% of the principals could access the school/district network away from the school setting. Principals stated that they had been using the computer at work throughout their careers, and the highest rates of weekly usage were 6-10 hours a week and 16-20 hours per week

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