A Case Study of Athletic Training Educators\u27 Sports-Care Responsibilities, Service, and Professional Advancement in Athletic Training Education Programs


The purpose of this study was to examine the (1) extent of athletic training faculty members, who bear additional duties for intercollegiate sports care, (2) the beliefs of the faculty members who have intercollegiate sports care responsibilities related to these duties being credited for professional advancement, (3) the beliefs of faculty members related to having sport care responsibilities as part of their employment, and (4) faculty perceptions of intercollegiate sports care responsibilities upon promotion, tenure and contract renewal. A sample of 655 certified athletic trainers was identified by the Board of Certification with the primary occupation designation of educator from a population of 7052 certified members who identified themselves as working in the college and university setting. There were 255 surveys returned for a response rate of 38%. The study utilized descriptive statistics, correlations and emergent category analysis. Findings indicate that only 22% of athletic training educators surveyed had institutional sports care responsibilities. These athletic training educators who had institutional sports care responsibilities overwhelmingly indicated that these responsibilities should be counted toward institutional service credit for professional advancement. Reasons given include that (a) sports care responsibilities are part of the job, (b) there is not enough time for other activities, (c) it is a part of supervising students, and (d) it is a service to school and profession. Athletic training academic faculty members overwhelming believe that they should not have institutional sports care responsibilities. The reasons given for this were (a) lack of balance in responsibilities, (b) no time for sports care responsibilities, and (c) needing to spend more time on academic activities. Athletic training clinical faculty believed that they should have some sort of institutional sports care responsibilities. The reasons given were (a) relevance to the job and teaching, (b) an expectation to do clinical work, and (c) faculty can be active, but not necessarily with the institutions sports teams. Overall, athletic training faculty members do not believe that having sports care responsibilities affect one’s chances of professional advancement

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