Analysis of CIM performance using different LAN structures a simulation approach


This research illustrates a systematic procedure for modeling and performance analysis of the integration effect of communication network to the physical system. The concept is to model different layouts of Computer Integration Manufacturing (CIM) using different Local Area Network(LAN) structures. The steps to accomplish this concepts are, a) To determine the performance measures for physical layouts and the communication network, in order to obtain a performance analysis. b) Modeling the physical layout using Promodel simulation package. c) Extracting results from the outcome of the simulation of the physical layout and using this as input to the communication network simulation. d) Modeling the communication network using LNET simulation package. e) Comparing the output of each simulation run and determine which is most acceptable. Having different performance measures for both physical layout and networks, the proposed research objective is to illustrate the effectiveness of network structures on physical systems performance. Throughput, utilization, and delay are used as measures for both the physical layouts and network structures. Using these measures the optimum layout and network is selected

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