Klipsun Magazine, 2007 - June


I started thinking about this note the minute I became Editor-in-Chief, but here I am, minutes before deadline not knowing what to write. An elite group of people has come before me and they all seemed to have something profound to say. So, I went where I always go when I need inspiration — my friends. The most eloquent person I know, had this quote from the movie “Serendipity” on his Facebook profile: “The Greeks didn’t write obituaries. They only ask one question after a man died: ‘Did he have passion?’” This sparked my interest. In the beginning, it didn’t seem we had a common thread to the stories in this issue, but looking at them now, passion runs through these tales of extraor- dinary people and amazing adventures. It doesn’t matter where your passion lies; it just matters if you have it or not. Whether your passion lies in sports, entertaining, academics or people it doesn’t matter. All that’s important is finding something you love that you can do with the people who mean the most in your life. With the end of my college experience looming, I can’t figure out where the time has gone. I have spent four years with some incredible people by my side. My passions have grown from what they were when I was a bright-eyed freshman. They now lie in my friends, family and my experiences. These passions will follow me wherever life takes me next. Enjoy these stories of other people’s passions and then go out and discover your own.https://cedar.wwu.edu/klipsun_magazine/1115/thumbnail.jp

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