Whatcom wind energy ordinance


The purpose of this ordinance is to create zoning text language that facilitates the installment and construction of wind energy systems (WES) within Whatcom County for private landowners, taking into account interests expressed by residents. This action is needed, because current height limitations of underlying zoning districts unduly restrict the installment of these systems. This action responds to the goals and objectives outlined in the Whatcom County Comprehensive Plan and Washington State Growth Management Act. The action helps move the project area towards desired conditions described in that plan by placing a high priority on healthy air quality and environmental protection of the community. It also helps support the plan\u27s goal to promote renewable energy systems, such as SWES, within Whatcom County and the greater Puget Sound area. Whatcom County has had numerous inquiries and building permit applications for SWES\u27s which are currently permitted as an accessory use within the zoning code, but the height limitations of the underlying zoning districts are not practical for a windmill

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