Congress Takes a Look at a No-Fault Proposal For Medical Malpractice: Some Observations


EVEN A CURSORY GLANCE at the news media in the recent past indicates that problems in the area of medical malpractice are rising to turbulent heights. For example, newspapers are increasingly printing long and passionate letters-to-the-editor dispraising numerous circumstances and individual types, which are allegedly the cause of the problem. The primary development, which caused the initiation of this storm, is the rising premium rate for medical malpractice insurance.\u27 The pinch on the physician\u27s pocketbook has resulted in outcries of frustration and anger from the medical community. Objects of these attacks have included the insurance industry, the legal profession, and the litigious nature of contemporary patients. Attorneys and members of the insurance industry have responded with counter allegations and justifications for the present state of affairs

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