Resource Management Thrusts and Opportunities: National Parks and Wildlife Refuges


Well, it\u27s been an interesting year. Somehow, it got to be very convenient for some folks to misconstrue what the Secretary had said. Some of those folks just seemed determined to make James Watt a household name-and they succeeded. And those same folks succeeded, too, in increasing the membership roles of a few of the environmental groups. But I don\u27t think they succeeded very well in listening to and understanding what the Secretary said a year ago .... So, as succinctly and plainly as possible, I will spell out again that the goals of this Administration weren\u27t designed to create the perfect agenda for environmentalism, nor for development interests for that matter. The goals weren\u27t pipe-dream perfection stuff for anybody ... but common sense management, balanced economic growth geared to benefit the entire country ... through orderly phased development and resource use based on wise, scientific wildlife, fishery and resources management. And I\u27m happy to say we\u27ve stuck to that original goal-no matter how others have tried to bungle it or misinterpret it-and I\u27m delighted to report we\u27ve made some pretty important achievements in the last year

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