\u27Earlibrite\u27 Strawberry


There is a need in west central Florida and other winter strawberry (Fragaria xananassa Duchesne) production areas for an early ripening cultivar to replace or be an alternative to \u27Sweetcharlie\u27 (Chandleretal., 1997a). \u27Sweet Charlie\u27 has benefitted the Florida strawberry industry through its relatively high production of fruit early in the season, when market prices are generally high. But the average fruit size is small, and the texture of its fruit is often soft, making shipment and shelf life of \u27Sweet Charlie\u27 problematic. \u27Earlibrite\u27 strawberry has produced high early-season (December through February) yields of large, flavorful fruit at the Univ. of Florida\u27s Gulf Coast Research and Education Center in Dover (GCRECD over) and in three commercial fields in westcentral Florida. It is recommended for trial in areas with mild winter climates. The clone was named ‘Earlibrite’ because of its high early season production of bright red fruit, and to honor Earl Albregts, a soil scientist who spent his entire professional career (1967-96) at GCREC-Dover

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