Hollins Columns (1942 Feb 13)


Table of Contents: Teacher-Author Will Visit Campus—Various Activities Are Scheduled—Forum Features Dean Lyman—Officers Elected—V for Valentine’s on Hollins Campus—Teachers Called to Aid Defense—Miss Allen at Hollins Since 1938—Miss Hall Succeeds Miss Ilmer—Committees Plan Hollins War Work—Hollins Column Staff—Hope—The Faculty Roll Their Own (poem)—Under the Dome—Friday the 13th?: Look Out for Mirrors, Ladders; Grab Lucky Pennies, Horseshoes—Clare Tree Majors to Present Play—First Aid Enrolls Faculty, Students—William L. Shirer to Be Featured in Roanoke Soon—This Collegiate World—Ballator Displays Latest Paintings—Orchesis Attend Dance Symposium—Modes…by Maraist—Turner Hall Committee Shows Motion Pictures at Convocation—Four Interclass Basketball Games Played Last Week—Turner Hall Fun Sponsors Play—Cargoes Sponsors Freshman Writers—Budge Tells Reporters Tennis Affected by War; Confesses Dislike for Tennis at Age Fourteen—Exhibit Features Modern Painting—State Conference Sponsored by IRC—Athlete’s Feat—The Students Discuss Air Raid Precautions—Heironimus Says—Thursday Morning Music Club Hears Hollins Choral Group—World Wind—New Way of Saving Electricity Leaves Everyone ‘in the Dark?’—Constance Wardle Sings Over Radio—Off the Record—Bolger Features Modern Masters—Frederick Wood Talks to Division About Poet, Heine—Student Recital Held in Chapel—Graham Gwathmey Claims Kin to President of First Board—Three Enrollees For Class of ’63—Class of ’44 Agrees to Give Spring Ball—Pink Slips—Cotillion to Give Second Club Dancehttps://digitalcommons.hollins.edu/newspapers/1173/thumbnail.jp

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