Hollins Student Life (1934 Oct 24)


Table of Contents: Regional Conference of W.I.L. Meets at Hollins: Several Eminent Speakers Discuss Peace Problems—President Roosevelt is Welcomed By Roanoke: Dedicates Veterans’ Hospital at Salem—Walter Hampden to Give Two Plays in Roanoke—Tentative Cast Chosen for “Alison’s House”—Dr. Randolph Attends Episcopal Conference—Dean Hearsey Speaks at Woman’s Club Today—Dr. Crawford to Address the Press Conference—Miss Burnham Plays at Musical Convocation—Dr. Archibald Black Gives Series of Lectures: Delivers Four Addresses on Religious Topics—Hollins Student Life Staff—Student Forum—Apprentice Theatre Group Presents Plays—Cotillion Club Gives First Dance of Year—Book Club Given Room in East by Y.W.C.A.—Freshmen to be Guests at Tea at V.P.I.—Campus Crumbs—Alumnae News—Society—Senior Stunts to Close Hallowe’en Banquet—Campus Agencies Announced, 1934-1935—Tinker Day Enjoyed by Faculty and Students—Pictures to be Taken for “The Spinster”—Eleven Teachers Added to Hollins Faculty—Athleticshttps://digitalcommons.hollins.edu/newspapers/1079/thumbnail.jp

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