Entrepreneurial Career Development: Using Human Capital, Social Capital, and Distance Education to Achieve Success


Individuals, especially women, must be increasingly entrepreneurial in the twenty-first century in order to achieve success. It is also important for women to take an entrepreneurial approach to career development. The first key component of an entrepreneurial approach to career development is investing in human capital. Continuous investment in human capital increases earning power, opens doors to professional opportunities, and contributes to career advancement. The second key component of an entrepreneurial approach to career development is investing in social capital. Women can increase their chances for professional success by developing networks that connect them to key individuals, assignments, and resources within and outside of organizations. Distance education is the third key component of entrepreneurial career development. Today, distance-delivered courses and programs create new educational opportunities that women and men can use to invest in their human and social capital as well as their potential. This paper presents the three keys to entrepreneurial career development along with evidence that supports the increasing importance for women to enhance their career success by embracing entrepreneurial strategies designed to leverage the connections among human capital, social capital, and distance education

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