Evidence-Informed Guidelines for Pediatric Pandemic Planning and Response


From the executive summary: Pandemic events are unpredictable and inevitable. When they occur, the impact is both all-encompassing and asymmetrical; each pandemic targets specific, vulnerable populations, but ultimately impacts individuals, families and communities throughout the world. Regardless of origin or circumstances, the next pandemic will certainly count infants, children, and adolescents among its most vulnerable targets. As evidenced by the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic, children may be at higher risk than populations more typically seen as susceptible to pandemic illness (the elderly, those with weakened immune systems, etc.). Children also can function as disease vectors, spreading the virus through their ubiquitous presence in settings where they live, attend school, and play. This document is the result of a two-year international, mixed-methods study of the physical, social, and mental health effects of pandemic on children and families – particularly the impact of quarantine and hospital isolation during these events. This project also examined the psychosocial effects of pandemic disaster on professionals who care for children before, during, and after pandemic. Based on the empirical findings of this study, researchers developed a set of evidence-informed, child-focused, best practice guidelines for use by stakeholders during future pandemics across a variety of relevant fields. In addition, data gathered and analyzed for the project have been used to create a set of Kentucky-specific recommendations that respond to the state’s unique geographic and population needs

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