Using Birdsfoot Trefoil in Kentucky Pastures


Birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) is an excellent pasture legume in the Corn Belt and in northeast United states . It has usually been considered too poorly adapted to Kentucky to merit trial by the farmers. Observations and grazing results in Woodford county during the last 14 years, however, indicate that this view is no longer valid. A grazing trial was established in 1954, with birdsfoot trefoil and Kentucky bluegrass as one of three mixtures used. Trefoil was seeded alone in the spring, and an excellent stand was obtained. Bluegrass was drilled in the established trefoil in September 1954. There were four 4-acre experimental pastures of trefoil-bluegrass and an additional 6-acre field which was used as a reserve pasture

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