1994 Kentucky Bluegrass Variety Test Report


Kentucky bluegrass (Poapratensis) is the third most prominent cool-season grass used in Kentucky for forage, behind tall fescue and orchardgrass. As with all cool-season grasses, Kentucky bluegrass does best in cooler weather, becoming relatively non-productive in hot, dry conditions. It is a high quality, long-lived, rhizomatous grass that is used for both turf and forage. Compared to other cool-season grasses, Kentucky bluegrass is slower to germinate (2-3 weeks) and generally is lower in seedling vigor and herbage yield. Most recent varieties have been developed for turf use. Several have been used in horse pastures even though they were not developed for forage use because Kentucky bluegrass is a low growing species that is tolerant of close grazing by horses. It is highly palatable to horses and has no known toxicities. In horse pastures, Kentucky bluegrass grows well with white clover, a low growing, grazing-tolerant legume, that is also a favorite of horse pasture managers. While it is more suited for use by grazing animals, Kentucky bluegrass may be harvested as hay. Management is similar to that for other cool-season grasses

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