A Survey of Acidity in Drainage Waters and the Condition of Highway Drainage Installations


Every creek gulley and raw interrupted by roadway fills and embankments must be provided with an adequate drainage conduit under the pavement. If the natural drainage is impeded or the conduit is not functioning properly, impounded water over-runs the pavement, seeps through the fill, and eventually disintegrates the section or reduces its stability. The topography in Kentucky, through varied sectionally, requires on the average, one cross-drain for every thousand feet of roadway. Obviously, these drainage structures are of considerable economic importance in the highway program, not only from the standpoint of initial construction costs, but also from consideration of the service-efficiency or the permanence of the installation itself. Of these two factors, service-efficiency is undoubtedly the more important factor in determining an integrated service economy. Since permanence of a culvert or cross-drain depends largely on the specific properties of the material with which it is made, considerable advantage may be derived by selecting material for use in areas where their properties are compatible with the conditions of service, and excluding them where condition are known to be unfavorable

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