Update of Data for Estimating ESALs


This project involved updating processing traffic characteristics data using a series of quality control and analytical programs to produce an estimate of the following parameters of interest; 1) average daily traffic, 2) percent trucks, 3) percent trucks classified as heavy/coal, 4) axles per truck, 5) axles per heavy/coal truck, 6) ESALs per truck axle, 7) ESALs per heavy/coal truck axle, and 8) total ESALs. ESAL estimation parameters used WIM data collected during 2007, 2011, and 2012–2013 (representing 41 stations); and classification data collected in 2010, 2011 and 2012 (representing 1,669 stations). Computer programs used to process classification data, process weight data, and then combining output to calculate ESALs are contained in the three following programs; 1) CLASS SUMMARY – processes vehicle classification data and produces annual average number of vehicle types at each classification station, 2) LOADOMTR SUMMARY – processes truck weight data to produce axle load distributions by vehicle type, and 3) AGGCALC – processes output form LOADOMTR AND CLASS programs to produce ESAL-related parameters of interest. A flowchart which provides steps of processing data and calculating estimates of ESALs is included in Appendix A and computer code for each of these programs is included in Appendix B

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