RV dysfunction by MRI is associated with elevated transpulmonary gradient and poor prognosis in patients with sickle cell associated pulmonary hypertension


Patients with sickle cell disease (SCD) and pulmonary hypertension (PH) have increased mortality. SCD-PH is often complicated by high cardiac output (CO) related to anemia. The transpulmonary gradient (TPG) reflects a pressure differential across the pulmonary vascular bed without the confounding effect of CO (PVR=TPG/CO). Based on the cardiac transplant literature, a TPG ≥ 12 mmHg indicates significant pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). With PH, there is often morphologic adaptation by the right ventricle (RV). In idiopathic PAH, RV dilation and decreased function have been correlated with poor prognosis. We hypothesize that patients with SCD and a TPG ≥ 12 mmHg would have lower functional capacity, increased mortality, and evidence of RV dysfunction on cardiac MRI (CMR)

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