Designing a Terminal Area Bird Detection and Monitoring System Based on ASR-9 Data


Conflicts between birds and commercial aircraft are a noteworthy problem at both large and small airports [Cleary, 1999]. The risk factor for United States airports continues to increase due to the steady rise in take-off/landings and bird populations. There is a significant bird strike problem in the terminal area as shown by the incidents reported in the National Bird Strike Database [Cleary and Dolbeer, 1999]. The focus of bird strike mitigation in the past has centered primarily on wildlife management techniques. Recently, an Avian Hazard Advisory System (AHAS) has been developed to reduce the risks of bird strikes to military operations [Kelly, 1999]. This system uses a mosaic of data obtained from the Next Generation Weather Radar (NEXRAD). This sensor serves as an excellent tool for enroute bird advisories due to the radar coverage provided across the majority of the United States. However, its utility in the airport terminal environment is limited due to the slow update rate and the fact that the distance of most NEXRADs from the airport results in beam heights that are too high to detect lowaltitude birds over the airport

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