
Kinesiological leisure activities of pupils of the Našice county


Život u dobu procvata tehnologije donosi mnoge prednosti, ali i nedostatke. Zbog sedentarnog načina života ljudsko tijelo zahvatilo je niz bolesti. Oni koji će najviše patiti su djeca i mladi koji su u procesu mentalnog i tjelesnog rasta i razvoja. Nedovoljno kretanje djece i mladih negativno utječe na antroploški sustav i zdravlje općenito. Brojna istraživanja ukazuju da je tjelesna aktivnost jedan od glavnih sredstava u borbi za zdrav i kvalitetan život. Današnja djeca često svoje slobodno vrijeme provode pred televizijom, računalom ili mobitelom. Jedan od razloga je neprisutnost roditelja radi poslovnih obveza. Cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je otkriti koliko su učenici tjelesno angažirani, kojim se aktivnostima bave u slobodno vrijeme, zašto te kakvi su im stavovi prema tjelesnoj i zdravstvenoj kulturi. Za potrebe istraživanja uključen je uzorak od 91 učenika, trećih i četvrtih razreda osnovnih škola Našičke regije. Ukupni broj učenika podijeljen je na dva subuzorka, u prvom je njih 33 iz grada Našica (15 učenika i 18 učenica), a u drugi subuzorak činilo je 58 učenika (27 učenika i 31 učenica) iz dva ruralna područja u okolici Našica. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su kako su učenici trećih i četvrtih razreda zadovoljavajuće tjelesno angažirani. Očaravajući je podatak da se više od 90% učenika bave tjelesnom aktivnošću ili sportom te nisu uočene razlike s obzirom na mjesto stanovanja. Najčešće se u svoje slobodno vrijeme bave sportom od čega se izdvaja nogomet, rolanje, trčanje i tenis. I jedan i drugi subuzorak slobodno vrijeme provodi pred televizijom ili računalom 1, 2 sata dnevno. Urbana sredina najčešće se bavi tjelesnom aktivnošću ili sportom zbog zabave i zdravlja, dok se ruralna sredina izjasnila da je razlog zdravlje i druženje s prijateljima. Bitan podatak govori kako se većina učenika urbane i ruralne sredine bavi tjelesnom aktivnošću svaki dan ili 2-3 puta tjedno. Od iznimne je važnosti i učenička svijest o važnosti tjelesne aktivnosti koju smatra više od 80% učenika bez uočenih razlika s obzirom na mjesto stanovanja. Stavovi prema tjelesnoj i zdravstvenoj kulturi su pozitivni . Većina učenika smatra da imaju premalo sati tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture te da bi tjelesna i zdravstvena kultura trebala biti svaki dan. Kao najčešću aktivnost koju bi htjeli da se odvija u školi naveli su nogomet. Od ostalih aktivnosti, učenici urbane sredine češće navode odbojku i tenis, za razliku od učenika ruralne sredine koji navode plivanje i taekwondo.Life in the era of technology boom brings many advantages but also, disadvantages. Because of the sedentary lifestyle, the human body got infected with a number of diseases. Those who will suffer the most are children and young people who are in the process of mental and physical growth and development. Not enough of the physical movement of children and adolescents negatively affects the anthropological system and health in general. Numerous studies indicate that physical activity is one of the main factors in fighting for a healthy and quality life. Today's children often spend their free time in front of a television, computer or mobile phone. One of the reasons is the absence of parents do to business obligations. The aim of this thesis was to find out how much the students are physically engaged, what they are doing in their free time, why are they doing that and what are their attitudes towards physical and health culture. For the research, a sample of 91 students is identified, both in Grade 3 and in Grade 4 of elementary schools in the region of Našice. The total number of pupils was divided into two sub-classes, in the first one 33 students from Našice (15 male and 18 female) and 58 students (27 male and 31 female) from two rural areas around Našice. The results of the research showed that physical engagement of pupils in Grade 3 and in Grade 4 is satisfactory. It is fascinating that more than 90% of students are engaged in physical activities or sports and there are no differences with respect to their place of residence. Most often, they spend their free time playing sports out of which football, roller-skating, running and tennis stand out. Both samples of students are spending their free time watching television or using a computer between one and two hours a day. The students in urban areas are mostly engaged in physical activities or sports for entertainment and health, whereas the pupils in rural areas said that the reason for physical activities is because of health and socializing with friends. Essential data suggests that most of the urban and rural students are engaged in physical activities every day or 2-3 times a week. Of great importance is the student's awareness of the importance of physical activity, which is known by more than 80% of the students without any observed differences with regard to the place of residence. Attitudes toward Physical education are positive. Most students consider that they don’t have enough hours dedicated to Physical education and that is should be present in everyday life in school. Soccer is considered to be one of the activities pupils would like to present in school lessons. Out of other activities, urban students most often mention volleyball and tennis, as opposed to rural students who mention swim and taekwondo

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