Mejoramiento en la eficiencia del proceso de secado convencional y homogenización en el color de la Albura y el Duramen en madera de Teca (Tectona grandis L.) (Documento I)


Informe final de Proyecto de Investigación. Código: 5401-1401-1030Different drying schedules were investigated to decrease drying time of Tectona grandis L. wood from juvenile plantations, using the drying rate (DR) to reduce time. The DR value was 20% per day during the first stages and by the time the wood reached 30% of moisture content (MC), the DR remained in 8% per day until the end of drying. The initial moisture content (MCi) ranged between 92 and 115%, MCi was affected by grain pattern and heartwood percentage. The final moisture content (MCf) differed in 2.0% in relation to the MC targeted for this study. Drying time can be reduced from 140 hours to 105 hours, maintaining DR conditions and saving 33% of energy consumption. DR is affected by moisture content and drying time and this behavior can be modeled mathematically by the equation Y = a*t + b. In these relations, the factors with greatest influence were dry-bulb temperature and wet-bulb depression. Both relations show an inflexion point in the relation DR-MC, 80% in fast drying schedule and 40% in slow drying schedule. This MC indicates the point where the DR must be changed

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