Proving a Petri net model-checker implementation


Petri nets are a widely used tool in verification through model-checking. In this approach, a Petri Net model of the system of interest is produced and its reachable states are computed, searching for erroneous executions. Compilation of such a Petri net model is one way to accelerate its verification. It consists in generating code to explore the reachable states of the considered Petri net, which avoids the use of a fixed exploration tool involving an "interpretation" of the Petri net structure. In this paper, we show how to compile Petri nets targeting the LLVM language (a high-level assembly language) and formally prove the correct-ness of the produced code. To this aim, we define a structural operational semantics for the fragment of LLVM we use. The acceleration obtained from the presented compilation techniques has been evaluated in [6]

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