
MPEG-4's BIFS-Anim protocol: using MPEG-4 for streaming of 3D animations


This thesis explores issues related to the generation and animation of synthetic objects within the context of MPEG-4. MPEG-4 was designed to provide a standard that will deliver rich multimedia content on many different platforms and networks. MPEG-4 should be viewed as a toolbox rather than as a monolithic standard as each implementer of the standard will pick the necessary tools adequate to their needs, likely to be a small subset of the available tools. The subset of MPEG-4 that will be examined here are the tools relating to the generation of 3D scenes and to the animation of those scenes. A comparison with the most popular 3D standard, Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) will be included. An overview of the MPEG-4 standard will be given, describing the basic concepts. MPEG-4 uses a scene description language called Binary Format for Scene (BIFS) for the composition of scenes, this description language will be described. The potential for the technology used in BIFS to provide low bitrate streaming 3D animations will be analysed and some examples of the possible uses of this technology will be given. A tool for the encoding of streaming 3D animations will be described and results will be shown that MPEG-4 provides a more efficient way of encoding 3D data when compared to VRML. Finally a look will be taken at the future of 3D content on the Internet

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