Impact of yeshaswini health scheme on out of pocket expenditure: an empirical investigation


Out-of-pocket payments for health can cause households to incur catastrophic expenditures, which in turn can push them into poverty. Hence, key to protecting people is to ensure prepayment and pooling of resources for health, rather than relying on people paying for health services out-of-pocket at the time of use. The present study was conducted with the following objective of 1. To analyze the impact of Yeshaswini Health Insurance Schemein reducing out of pocket expenditure 2. To suggest suitable policy prescriptions. The primary sources of data were collected from two taluks of Tumkur district of Karnataka. Totally 80 sample household respondents in the study area was interviewed for the study purpose. The study found that Yeshasvini scheme introduced in Karnataka has helped in reducing out of pocket expenditure considerably

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