Solvent fractionation of softwood and hardwood kraft lignins for more efficient uses: compositional, structural, thermal, antioxidant and sorption properties


This work summarizes the impact of solvent fractionation on the chemical structure, antioxidant activity, heating values, and thermal and sorption properties of industrial hardwood and softwood kraft lignins. The aim was to develop a simple approach for the obtaining of lignin fractions with a tailored properties for the certain material applications.  Four common industrial solvents, namely, ethyl acetate, ethanol, methanol and acetone, in various combinations efficiently separated both spruce and eucalyptus kraft lignins into fractions with low polydispersities. The ethanol fraction of spruce and the ethyl acetate fraction of eucalyptus afforded the highest yields. Gel-permeation chromatography analysis was used to evaluate the efficiency of the chosen solvent combination for lignin fractionation. The composition and structure of the lignin material was characterized by elemental analysis, analytical pyrolysis (Py-GC/MS/FID) and 31P NMR spectroscopy. The thermal properties of the lignin samples were studied by thermogravimetric analysis. Proximate analysis data (ash, volatile components, organic matter and fixed carbon) were obtained through the direct measurement of weight changes in each experimental curve, and the high heating values (in MJ/kg) were calculated according to equations suggested in the literature. The sorption properties of fractionated kraft lignins were studied with respect to methylene blue dye. The clear correlation between certain structural features in the lignin fractions and the properties of the lignin provides useful information for selecting the appropriate solvent combinations for specific applications of lignin raw materials, including as antioxidants, biofuels or sorbents in water treatment processes.QC 20180821</p

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