Arkansas Soybean Research Studies 2020


The 2020 Arkansas Soybean Research Studies includes research reports on topics pertaining to soybean across several disciplines from breeding to post-harvest processing. Research reports contained in this publication may represent preliminary or only data from a single year or limited results; therefore, these results should not be used as a basis for long-term recommendations. Several research reports in this publication will appear in other University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture’s Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station publications. This duplication is the result of the overlap in research coverage between disciplines and our effort to inform Arkansas soybean producers of the research being conducted with funds from the Soybean Check-off Program. This publication also contains research funded by industry, federal, and state agencies. Use of products and trade names in any of the research reports does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the products named and does not signify that these products are approved to the exclusion of comparable products. All authors are either current or former faculty, staff, or students of the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture, or scientists with the United States Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Research Service. Extended thanks are given to the staff at the state and County Extension offices, as well as the research centers and stations; producers and cooperators; and industry personnel who assisted with the planning and execution of the programs

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