
Small is smart: making micromobility work for citizens, cities and service providers


Màster universitari en Disseny -- Contemporary DesignGaur egun higikortasuna bira erradikala ematen ari da. Mugitzen garen modua ez da ere duela 20 urte, gizartea aldatzen ari den eta harekin bera bere balioak. Ikerketa hau, Master-Amaiera Laneko Diseinuko Ikasketa Aurreratuetan – Bartzelona (MBDesign), bereziki Diseinu Garaikideko lerroan parte hartzailea, gaur egunko erabiltzailearen beharretara, diseinuko erremintaren bitartez, molda daitezkeen hiri-higikortasun kontzeptu berriko bilaketan oinarritzen da. Gaur egun hiri zentruak autoz beteta daude, trafiko ikaragarria sortuz, eta hiriaren zona jendetsuenak ostopatzen. Honek hiritarrei iraganean eragingo dieten hainbat arasoproblema desberdin ekarriko dizkigute; hiriguna masifikatu bat bezala, kutsatutako giroa, ibilde bakotzean denbora galdua… Ikerketa honekin, kasu ideal hipotetiko batean, hiriaren, higikortasunaren eta erabiltzailearen harteko konponbidea proposatu nahi dut. Diseinuko erremintaren, hipotesiaren eta aurkezpen honetarako konponbidea emateko ikerketa jarraituaren bitartez, Bartzelonako ingurunea analizatzea lortu dut, nola eboluzionatzen duen Smart City honek eta nola hiri-higikortasuna ahalegin handiak egiten ditu harengana moldatzen saiatzean. Ikerketaren kasu desberdinen bidez ezinbesteko ezaugarri batzuk ezarri ditut produktuaren garapenerako. Teknologia berriek pauso handietara eboluzionatzen hari dira eta ibilgailuetako aplikazioa jada ikusten hari dira Auto Aretoetan. Garapen hau diseinua, gizartea, teknologia eta ingurunea bat egiten dutenean, etorkizuneko ikerketako hasiera gisa balio lezakeen oinarria izan litzateke.Mobility today is taking a radical turn. The way we move is not the same as 20 years ago, society is changing and with it also its values. This research that belongs to the Master’s Thesis in the Interuniversity Master in Advanced Design Studies - Barcelona (MBDesign), especially in the Contemporary Design line, is based on the search for new concepts of urban mobility that can be adapted to the needs of the user of today, through the design tool. Today, urban centers are crowded with vehicles, creating immense traffic and hampering the busiest areas of the city. This brings us different problems that throughout the years will affect considerably all the resident citizens; as a crowded city, a polluted environment, waste of time in each journey ... With this research I intend to propose a possible solution in a hypothetical ideal case of city, mobility and user. Through the design tool, a hypothesis and continuous research to solve this approach, I have been able to analyze the Barcelona environment, how Smart City evolves and how urban mobility makes great efforts to try to adapt to it. Through different cases of study I have established essential characteristics for the development of the product. The new technologies are evolving at great strides and the application of them in vehicles can already be seen in the Auto Showrooms. This development in which one design, society, technology and environment is the basis that could serve as the beginning of a future research for its real approach

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