
The Intercultural Perspective : Ortega Y Gasset, Wallner and Nakatogawa


Approaching a culture different from one's own is always a transforming experience to a greater or lesser extent. It is not the same the vital event that occurs as a consequence of the narrations about other cultures than what happens with the activity of tourism or with the experience of having lived in a society culturally different from the one of origin. However, all the experiences that imply that openness, that attitude of listening to the different, that initiatory curiosity towards the mystery of the other,definitely influence the self-understanding of oneself and of one's culture. And this experience, in the words of Prof. Koji Nakatogawa, substantially modifies one's culture. In this paper I will analyze the method of strangification developed by Friedrich Wallner that starts from his ontological conception of constructive realism to characterize a methodology that legitimizes the construction of the intercultural perspective

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