Significance of Holter Monitoring in Evaluation of Non-Specific Symptoms


Background: To determine the diagnostic significanceof Holter monitoring in evaluation of non-specificsymptoms (like palpitations, dizziness, syncope,etc.).Methods: In this descriptive study 100 consecutivepatients referred for the evaluation of non-specificsymptoms were selected for Holter monitoring after initialevaluation. Through Holter monitoring two channels viafive leads, placed over the anterior chest wall, wererecorded. The disc was attached to a strap, which thepatient wore on his shoulder. The recording was usuallystarted in the morning at hospital and the patient wasallowed to resume his normal activities. He was advised tomaintain his activity log and asked to report back at thesame time next day.Results: Ventricular ectopics less than 10% werepresent as isolated events in 81%. Supraventricularepisodes less than 10% were present as isolated events in93%.Mean minimum heart rate was 43 , mean maximumheart rate was 123 and mean average heart rate was 71 . TheST-segment shift was present in 21% of the population inwhich 3% were ST-segment elevation and 19% were STsegmentdepressions.Conclusion: For the patients with non-specificsymptoms Holter monitoring has got an insignificant role,in the primary diagnosis of myocardial ischemia orarrhythmia as a cause of such symptom

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