A view of the first BAHA system implant in Zadar General Hospital


Bone Anchored Hearing Aid ili BAHA sistem danas predstavlja novi i moderan način slušne rehabilitacije i alternativu konvencionalnim slušnim pomagalima. Od prve proizvodnje 1977. godine u Švedskoj (Entific Medical Systems, Goteborg), u širokoj je primjeni i do sada je ukupno u svijetu implantirano oko 100.000 bolesnika. U radu prikazujemo prvi slučaj implanatacije BAHA sistema na Odjelu otorinolaringologije, Opće bolnice Zadar. Ugradnja BAHA sistema učinjena je kod bolesnika s dugogodišnjom kroničnom upalom srednjega uha i kroničnim mastoiditisom, što je dovelo do teškoga oštećenja sluha. Zahvat je učinjen u lokalnoj anesteziji u jednom aktu. Po uredno završenoj osteointegraciji nakon osam tjedana postavljen je i aktiviran BAHA govorni procesor BP110. Tri mjeseca od aktivacije govornoga procesora bolesnik je iznimno zadovoljan postignutom razinom slušne rehabilitacije. BAHA sistem danas je postao opće prihvaćen i suvremen način rehabilitacije sluha. Uz adekvatan odabir kandidata i uz pravilno izveden kirurški zahvat, daje značajno bolje rezultate u rehabilitaciji sluha od konvencionalnih slušnih pomagala.Bone Anchored Hearing Aid (BAHA) today presents a new and modern way of hearing rehabilitation and an alternative to the conventional hearing aids. Since its first manufacture in 1977 in Sweden (Entific Medical Systems, Goteborg), it has been widely used and up to now around 100,000 BAHA systems have been implanted worldwide. In the present case we report on a first BAHA system implantation at the ENT Department of Zadar General Hospital. The BAHA system implantation was performed in a patient with a long term history of chronic suppurative otitis that resulted in severe hearing loss. The procedure was done under local anesthesia as a single act. Upon proper osteointegration after eight weeks, the speech processor BP110 was added and activated. Three months following the activation of the speech processor, the patient is highly satisfied with the level of the achieved hearing rehabilitation. Presently, the BAHA system was a universally accepted procedure of hearing rehabilitation, and with the proper candidate selection and meticulous surgical intervention, it gives significantly better hearing rehabilitation when compared to the conventional hearing device

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