Preservation and presentation of cultural heritage within the Nature park Biokovo


Cilj ovoga rada je ispitati i prikazati način očuvanja kulturne baštine i njene prezentacije unutar Parka prirode Biokovo. Pritom se pažnja usmjerava na sam pogled Javne ustanove Park prirode Biokovo na kulturnu baštinu, dosadašnja postignuća u očuvanju i prezentaciji nasljeđa te njene daljnje projekte i ciljeve. Zbog otvorenosti Parka za posjetitelje jednu od značajnih tema ovoga rada predstavlja i povezanost njegova djelovanja s turizmom, posebice kulturnim turizmom. Radom se nastoji ukazati na važnost uključivanja stručnjaka u različite projekte očuvanja kulturne baštine dok se, s druge strane, naglašava nužna povezanost s lokalnim stanovništvom.In this paper the example of preservation and presentation of the cultural heritage of the Nature Park Biokovo has been elaborated. It shows the view of the Public institution of the Nature Park Biokovo on cultural heritage, its past achievements in this field and further goals and projects which it intends to set up to preserve and present the heritage. The Nature Park is open for the public and visitors, so the crucial issue has been cultural tourism as one way of preserving cultural heritage, but also as the perspective for the further development of the abandoned and underdeveloped rural areas. This paper points out the importance of the involvement of experts in various projects of preserving cultural heritage and the necessary connection with the local people

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