Inherent and treated flame retardancy of clothing


Pitanje vatrootpornosti vrlo je važno kod odjeće za zaštitu od topline i plamena. Termini inherentna vatrootpornost i tretirana vatrootpornost, koje korisnici koriste pri specificiranju svojstava takve odjeće, nisu dovoljno jasni pa ih je potrebno specificirati na način koji će nedvojbeno opisivati svojstva koja se žele dobiti. U radu se opisuju najpoznatiji materijali koji se koriste za izradu vatrootporne odjeće, njihov sastav i svojstva, a navode se i komercijalni nazivi pojedinih materijala, budući da su pod tim nazivima korisnicima poznati na tržištu. Da bi se izbjegle nesuglasice između korisnika i dobavljača, predlaže se da se svojstva vatrootpornosti definiraju korištenjem standardnih testova uz navođenje željene trajnosti svojstva vatrootpornosti i uvjeta pod kojima se ona ostvaruje.The issue of flame retardancy is very important in clothing protecting from heat and flame. The terms inherent and treated flame retardancy used by the end users when specyfying the characteristics of such clothing are not clear enough. It is therefore very important that they are specified in such a way that they unquestionably specify the features which the writers of the specification wish to achieve. In this paper various wellknown materials used for the manufacturing of flame retardant clothing and their composition and characteristics are described. Commercial names of most popular proprietary materials are also mentioned, as such materials on the market are known by their registered names. In order to avoid misunderstandings and inconsistencies between the end users and the suppliers in practice, it is suggested that the characteristics of flame retardancy are defined by the use of standard tests and by specifying the requested durability and use conditions in which flame retardant features have to be realized

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