
Povezanost prometa i turizma u suvremenom gospodarstvu zahtijeva detaljnija istraživanja. Promet i turizam, kao međusobno povezani fenomeni, ovise jedan o drugome, utječu jedan na drugoga, a gospodarskom strategijom Republike Hrvatske određeni su kao jedni od nositelja gospodarskog razvitka zemlje. Pozitivni i negativni efekti kojima promet utječe na razvoj turizma s vremenom postaju sve izraženiji, te ih je potrebno međusobno usklađivati na osnovama održivog razvitka, čuvajući čovjekov okoliš, na čemu se temelji turizam u Hrvatskoj. Dosadašnja prometna politika neravnomjernog razvoja prometnog sustava, po kojoj se cestovni promet brzo razvijao posebice kroz izgradnju objekata prometne infrastrukture, dok su druge prometne grane stagnirale, ne može osigurati kvalitetnu logističku potporu turizmu u budućnosti. Zbog toga se ovim radom daje daljnji doprinos istraživanju povezanosti prometa i turizma. U radu se navode najvažnije uloge koje promet ima u turizmu, analizira se odnos pojedinih prometnih grana i turizma, valorizira se povoljan geografski položaj Republike Hrvatske kroz osvrt na mrežu europskih prometnih koridora, te se krozstatističke podatke analizira percepcija turista koji dolaze u Hrvatsku vezana za ulogu i kvalitetu prometa u njihovim turističkim aktivnostima. Zaključno se daje kratak osvrt na tendencije razvoja prometa u budućnost, kroz analizu definiranih strateških pravaca razvoja prometnog sustava u funkciji hrvatskog turizma.The relationship between transport and tourism in a modern economy requires further research. Transport and tourism, as mutually interrelated phenomena, depend on one another, and the economic strategy of the Republic of Croatia places them among principal factors in the country’s economic development. The positive and negative effects of transport on tourism development are becoming more obvious and the two need to be harmonised on the basis of sustainable development, by preserving the human environment, which is the basis of Croatian tourism. The former transport policy of unequal development of the transport system, as a result of which road transport developed rapidly, in particular through the construction of transport infrastructure facilities, while other branches of transport stagnated, cannot ensure high-quality logistical support to tourism in the future. This paper provides a further contribution to research on the relationship between transport and tourism. The paper summarises the most important roles played by transport in tourism, analyses the relationship between individual modes of transport and tourism, evaluates the favourable geographic position of the Republic of Croatia through an overview of the network of European corridors, and, on the basis of statistical data, analyses the perception of tourists visiting Croatia with regard to the role and quality of transport in their tourism activities. In conclusion, a brief overview of future trends in transport is provided through an analysis of the defined strategic lines of transport development as a function of Croatian tourism

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