
Paid Leave in Private Industry Over the Past 20 Years


[Excerpt] Paid leave was the most prevalent employee benefit provided by employers in private industry throughout the United States in 2012. Eighty-four percent of private industry workers received vacation, holiday, or personal leave. Seventy-two percent of workers received both paid holidays and paid vacations, and 61 percent were covered by sick leave plans. For employers, the cost for providing these benefits to employees was 1.98perhourworked,andthesebenefitsmadeup6.9percentoftotalcompensation.Theeligibilityforpaidleavehasundergonechangeoverthepast20years.Whilefewerworkersenjoypaidvacations,employersareincreasinglyprovidingaccesstosickleave,personalleave,andfamilyleave.Also,bycomparison,theemployercostperemployeehourworkedforpaidleavewas1.98 per hour worked, and these benefits made up 6.9 percent of total compensation. The eligibility for paid leave has undergone change over the past 20 years. While fewer workers enjoy paid vacations, employers are increasingly providing access to sick leave, personal leave, and family leave. Also, by comparison, the employer cost per employee hour worked for paid leave was 1.09 or 6.8 percent of total compensation in March 1992. This issue of BEYOND THE NUMBERS looks at the changes in employer costs and in different paid leave benefits for private industry workers over the past two decades. These benefits include paid leave for holidays, vacations, sick, personal, funeral, jury duty, military, and family

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